Year 1950-51
SEC/TREAS: John W. Anthony
COUNCILOR 1: L. Kenneth Wilson (50-53)
COUNCILOR 1: Thomas S. Lovering (50-53)
COUNCILOR 2: Samuel F. Turner (50-52)
COUNCILOR 2: Roland B. Mulchay (50-52)
COUNCILOR 3: A. A. Stoyanow (50-51)
COUNCILOR 3: Maxwell N. Short (50-51)
Year 1951-52
PRESIDENT: Charles A. Anderson
SEC/TREAS: Leopold A. Heindl
COUNCILOR 1: Theodore A. Dodge (51-54)
COUNCILOR 1: Eldred D. Wilson (51-54)
COUNCILOR 2: Bert S. Butler (50-53)*
COUNCILOR 2: L. Kenneth Wilson (50-53)
COUNCILOR 3: Roland B. Mulchay (50-52)
COUNCILOR 3: Samuel P. Turner (50-52)
Note: Butler completed term of Lovering
Year 1952-53
VP FIELD TRIPS: L. Kenneth Wilson
SECRETARY: Calvin S. Bromfield
TREASURER: Robert S. Heineman
PAST PRESIDENT: Charles A. Anderson
COUNCILOR 1: Leonard C. Halpenny (52-55)
COUNCILOR 1: H. N. Walcott (52-55)
COUNCILOR 2: Theodore A. Dodge (51-54)
COUNCILOR 2: Eldred D. Wilson (51-54)
COUNCILOR 3: Bert S. Butler ((50-53)
COUNCILOR 3: L. Kenneth Wilson (50-53)
Year 1953-54
PRESIDENT: Leonard C. Halpenny
VP FIELD TRIPS: Theodore A. Dodge
SECRETARY: Robert L. DuBois
TREASURER: Robert S. Heineman
PAST PRESIDENT: C. A. Anderson (for McKee)
COUNCILOR 1: John W. Harshbarger (53-56)
COUNCILOR 1: John F. Lance (53-56)
COUNCILOR 2: Leonard C. Halpenny (52-55)
COUNCILOR 2: H. N. Walcott (52-55)
COUNCILOR 3: Theodore A. Dodge (51-54)
COUNCILOR 3: Eldred D. Wilson (51-54)
Year 1954-55
PRESIDENT: Theodore A. Dodge
VP FIELD TRIPS: Roland B. Mulchay
TREASURER: Robert S. Heineman
PAST PRESIDENT: Leonard C. Halpenny
COUNCILOR 1: Kenyon E. Richards (54-57)
COUNCILOR 1: Sidney A. Williams (54-57)
COUNCILOR 2: John W. Harshbarger (53-56)
COUNCILOR 2: John F. Lance (53-56)
COUNCILOR 3: Charles A. Anderson (53-55)*
COUNCILOR 3: H. N. Walcott (52-55)
Note: Anderson completed Halpenny's term.
Year 1955-56
PRESIDENT: Roland B. Mulchay
VP FIELD TRIPS: Frederic W. Galbraith
SECRETARY: Paul W. Johnson
TREASURER: Robert S. Heineman
PAST PRESIDENT: Theodore A. Dodge
COUNCILOR 1: Nels P. Peterson (55-58)
COUNCILOR 1: Carl B. Richardson (55-58)
COUNCILOR 2: Frederic Galbraith (54-57)*
COUNCILOR 2: Kenyon E. Richards (54-57)
COUNCILOR 3: John W. Harshbarger (53-56)
COUNCILOR 3: John F. Lance (53-56)
* Note: Galbraith completed William's term
Year 1956-57
PRESIDENT: Frederic W. Galbraith
VP FIELD TRIPS: John W. Harshbarger
SECRETARY: John N. Faick
TREASURER: James L. Kelly
PAST PRESIDENT: Roland B. Mulchay
COUNCILOR 1: Evans B. Mayo (56-59)
COUNCILOR 1: Harrison A. Schmitt (56-59)
COUNCILOR 2: Nels P. Peterson (55-58)
COUNCILOR 2: Carl B. Richardson (55-58)
COUNCILOR 3: Kenyon E. Richards (54-57)
* Note: No one elected to fill Galbraith's term
Year 1957-58
PRESIDENT: John W. Harshbarger
VP FIELD TRIPS: Walter E. Heinrichs, Jr.
SECRETARY: William L. Emerick
TREASURER: H. Wesley Peirce
PAST PRESIDENT: Frederic W. Galbraith
COUNCILOR 1: Robert E. Heineman (57-60)
COUNCILOR 1: Edwin A. Stone (57-60)
COUNCILOR 2: Evans B. Mayo (56-59)
COUNCILOR 2: Harrison A. Schmitt (56-59)
COUNCILOR 3: Nels P. Peterson (55-58)
COUNCILOR 3: Carl B. Richardson (55-58)
Pub. Editor: Digest 1, October 1958, John W. Anthony
Year 1958-59
PRESIDENT: Walter E. Heinrichs, Jr.
SECRETARY: John E. Kinnison
TREASURER: Frank D. MacKenzie
PAST PRESIDENT: John W. Harshbarger
COUNCILOR 1: James L. Kelly (58-61)
COUNCILOR 1: Willard C. Lacy (58-61)
COUNCILOR 2: Robert E. Heineman (57-60)
COUNCILOR 2: Edwin A. Stone (57-60)
COUNCILOR 3: Evans B. Mayo (56-59)
COUNCILOR 3: Harrison A. Schmitt (56-59)
Pub. Editor: Guidebook II (Digest 2), L. A. Heindl
Year 1959-60
PRESIDENT: Kenyon E. Richard
VP FIELD TRIPS: Leopold A. Heindl
SECRETARY: Edgar J. McCullough, Jr.
TREASURER: G. Arthur Barber
PAST PRESIDENT: Walter E. Heinrichs, Jr.
COUNCILOR 1: John A. Journeay (59-62)
COUNCILOR 1: Reed F. Welch (59-62)
COUNCILOR 2: James L. Kelly (58-61)
COUNCILOR 2: Willard C. Lacy (58-61)
COUNCILOR 3: Robert E. Heineman (57-60)
COUNCILOR 3: Edwin A. Stone (57-60)
Pub. Editor: Digest 3, John Anthony
Year 1960-61
PRESIDENT: James L. Kelly
VP FIELD TRIPS: John W. Anthony*
SECRETARY: Edward S. Davidson
TREASURER: Spencer R. Titley
PAST PRESIDENT: Kenyon E. Richard
COUNCILOR 1: Glenton G. Sykes (60-63)
COUNCILOR 1: Samuel E. Turner (60-63)
COUNCILOR 2: John A. Journeay (59-62)
COUNCILOR 2: Reed F. Welch (59-62)
COUNCILOR 3: James L. Kelly (58-61)
COUNCILOR 3: Willard C. Lacy (58-61)
* Note: Anthony presided as President when Kelly resigned
Year 1961-62
PRESIDENT: H. Wesley Peirce
VP FIELD TRIPS: Frank D. MacKenzie
SECRETARY: E. Fred Pashley, Jr.
TREASURER: Dean W. Lynch
COUNCILOR 1: Paul E. Damon (61-64)
COUNCILOR 1: John l. Splane (61-64)
COUNCILOR 2: Glenton G. Sykes (60-63)
COUNCILOR 2: Samuel F. Turner (60-63)
COUNCILOR 3: John A. Journeay (59-62)
COUNCILOR 3: Reed F. Welch (59-62)
Note: John W. Anthony listed as Councilor in Digest 4
Pub. Editor: Digest 4, John W. Anthony
Year 1962-63
PRESIDENT: Frank D. MacKenzie
VP FIELD TRIPS: Thomas W. Mitcham
SECRETARY: Charles L. Fair
TREASURER: Samuel I. Bowditch
PAST PRESIDENT: H. Wesley Peirce
COUNCILOR 1: John R. Cooper (62-65)
COUNCILOR 1: J. W. Anthony/J. D. Lowell (62-65)
COUNCILOR 2: H. W. Peirce/P. E. Damon (61-64)
COUNCILOR 2: John L. Splane (61-64)
COUNCILOR 3: Glenton G. Sykes (60-63)
COUNCILOR 3: Samuel F. Turner (60-63)
Note: Cooper and Lowell not mentioned as Councilors
in Digest 5; substitutions occurred during the year
Pub. Editor: Digest 5, L. A. Heindl
Year 1963-64
PRESIDENT: Thomas W. Mitcham
VP FIELD TRIPS: John A. Journeay
SECRETARY: Maurice E. Cooley
TREASURER: S. Bowditch (63)/J. W. Sell (64)
PAST PRESIDENT: Frank D. MacKenzie
COUNCILOR 1: G. A. Barber/J. W. Anthony (63-66)
COUNCILOR 1: R. E. Cribbs/J. L. Kelly (63-66)
COUNCILOR 2: John R. Cooper (62-65)
COUNCILOR 2: J. D. Lowell/P. W. Johnson (62-65)
COUNCILOR 3: P. E. Damon/F. D. MacKenzie (61-64)
COUNCILOR 3: John L.Splane (61-64)
Note: Damon and Kelly not mentioned as Councilors
in Digest 6; substitutions occurred during the year
Pub. Editor: Digest 6, St. Ives Gray
Year 1964-65
President: John A. Journeay
VP Field Trips: G. Arthur Barber
Secretary: Phillip Seff
Treasurer: James D. Sell
Past President: Thomas W. Mitcham
Councilor 1: Maurice E. Cooley (64-67)
Councilor 1: Donald F. Hammer (64-67)
Councilor 2: Carl B. Richardson (63-66)
Councilor 2: John W. Anthony (63-66)
Councilor 3: James L. Kelly (62-65)
Councilor 3: John R. Cooper (62-65)
Notes: J. David Lowell (62-65) not listed as Councilor
Digest 7
Pub. Editor: Digest 7, Edgar J. McCullough
Year 1965-66
President: J. David Lowell
VP Field Trips: Donald L. Bryant
Secretary: Terah L. Smiley
Treasurer: E. Grover Heinrichs
Past President: John A. Journeay
Councilor 1: Stephan H. Congdon (65-68)
Councilor 1: John F. Lance (65-68)
Councilor 2: Maurice E. Cooley (64-67)
Councilor 2: Donald F. Hammer (64-67)
Councilor 3: Carl B. Richardson (63-66)
Councilor 3: John W. Anthony (63-66)
Year 1966-67
President: Donald L. Bryant
VP Field Trips: Terah L. Smiley
Secretary: John (Jack) E. Frost
Vice Secretary: John M. Guilbert
Treasurer: Glenton G. Sykes
Vice Treasurer: Donald A. Holm
Past President: J. David Lowell
Councilor 1: Roger K. Kirkpatrick (66-69)
Councilor 1: John S. Sumner (66-69)
Councilor 2: Stephen H. Congdon (65-68)
Councilor 2: John F. Lance (65-68)
Councilor 3: Maurice E. Cooley (64-67)
Councilor 3: Donald F. Hammer (64-67)
Pub. Editor: Digest 8, Robert L. DuBois
Year 1967-68
President: Terah L. Smiley
VP Field Trips: J. Harold Courtright
Secretary: John M. Guilbert
Vice Secretary: William C. Peters
Treasurer: Donald A. Holm
Vice Treasurer: Paul H. Pickhard
Past President: Donald L. Bryant
Councilor 1: E. Grover Heinrichs (67-70)
Councilor 1: Lloyd A. Thomas (67-70)
Councilor 2: Robert A. Metz (66-69)*
Councilor 2: John S. Sumner (66-69)
Councilor 3: G. Arthur Barber (65-68)*
Councilor 3: Stephen H. Congdon (65-68)
Note: Robert A. Metz completed term of Kirkpatrick, Barber completed term of Lance
Pub. Editor: Guidebook III, Spencer R. Titley
Year 1968-69
President: J. Harold Courtright
VP Field Trips: Stephen H. Congdon
Secretary: William C. Peters
Vice Secretary: Stanton B. Keith
Treasurer: Russell M. Corn
Vice Treasurer: H. Darby Hand
Past President: Terah L. Smiley
Councilor 1: John M. Guilbert (68-71)
Councilor 1: James D. Sell (68-71)
Councilor 2: E. Grover Heinrichs (67-70)
Councilor 2: Lloyd A. Thomas (67-70)
Councilor 3: Robert A. Metz (66-69)
Councilor 3: John S. Sumner (66-69)
Year 1969-70
President: Stephen H. Congdon
VP Field Trips: William C. Peters
Secretary: Stanton B. Keith
Vice Secretary: James Gunderson
Treasurer: H. Darby Hand/John B. Hite
Vice Treasurer: John Hite/W. Gordon Wieduwilt
Past President: J. Harold Courtright
Councilor 1: Spencer R. Titley (69-72)
Councilor 1: Woodville J. Walker (69-72)
Councilor 2: John M. Guilbert (68-71)
Councilor 2: James D. Sell (68-71)
Councilor 3: E. Grover Heinrichs (67-70)
Councilor 3: Lloyd A. Thomas (67-70)
Year 1970-71
President: William C. Peters
VP Field Trips: Stanton B. Keith
Secretary: John R. Sturgul
Vice Secretary: Donald E. Livingston
Treasurer: W. Gordon Wieduwilt
Vice Treasurer: M. Ray Stauffer
Past President: Stephen H. Congden
Councilor 1: Samuel I. Bowditch (70-73)
Councilor 1: ? (70-73)
Councilor 2: Spencer R. Titley (69-72)
Councilor 2: Woodville J. Walker (69-72)
Councilor 3: John M. Guilbert (68-71)
Councilor 3: James D. Sell (68-71)
Year 1971-72
President: Stanton B. Keith
VP Field Trips: Donlon Lo Biondo
Secretary: Donald E. Livingston
Vice Secretary: George H. Davis
Treasurer: M. Ray Stauffer
Vice Treasurer: Neil Upchurch*/John Vuich
Past President: William C. Peters
Councilor 1: Charles L. Elliot (71-74)
Councilor 1: Michael F. Sheridan (71-74)
Councilor 2: Samuel I. Bowditch (70-73)
Councilor 2: ? (70-73)
Councilor 3: Spencer R. Titley (69-72)
Councilor 3: Woodville J. Walker (69-72)
Note: Upchurch replaced by Vuich
Pub. Editor: Digest 9, Edgar J. McCullough
President: Donlon Lo Biondo
VP Field Trips: James D. Sell
Secretary: George H. Davis
Vice Secretary: Richard D. Call
Treasurer: J. Kenneth Jones
Vice Treasurer: Robert A. Metz
Past President: Stanton B. Keith
Councilor 1: Russell M. Corn (72-75)
Councilor 1: M. Ray Stauffer (72-75)
Councilor 2: Michael F. Sheridan (71-74)
Councilor 2: Charles L. Elliot (71-74)
Councilor 3: Samuel I. Bowditch (70-73)
Councilor 3: Henry T. Eyrich (70-73)*
Note: Eyrich elected to fill term of unknown councilor
Year 1973-1974
President: James D. Sell
VP Field Trips: Spencer R. Titley
Secretary: Richard D. Call
Vice Secretary: Dietmar Schumacher*/Herb Welhener
Treasurer: Robert A. Metz
Vice Treasurer: Donald C. Bulmer
Past President: Donlon Lo Biondo
Councilor 1: H. Wesley Peirce (73-76)
Councilor 1: Woodrow W. Simmons (73-76)
Councilor 2: Russell M. Corn (72-75)
Councilor 2: M. Ray Stauffer (72-75)
Councilor 3: Michael F. Sheridan (71-74)
Councilor 3: Charles L. Elliot (71-74)
Notes: Schumacher elected in spring, resigned in
summer and replaced by Welhener
Year 1974-75
President: Spencer R. Titley
VP Field Trips: Charles P. Miller
Secretary: Carl E. Glass
Vice Secretary: Tom L. Heidrick
Treasurer: Donald C. Bulmer
Vice Treasurer: Judith P. Jenney
Past President: James D. Sell
Councilor 1: Frederick T. Graybeal (74-77)
Councilor 1: Denis L. Norton (74-77)
Councilor 2: H. Wesley Peirce (73-76)
Councilor 2: Woodrow W. Simmons (73-76)
Councilor 3: Russell M. Corn (72-75)
Councilor 3: M. Ray Stauffer (72-75)
Year 1975-76
President: Charles P. Miller
VP Field Trips: William E. Saegart
Secretary: Maurice H. Brady
Vice Secretary: Jan C. Wilt
Treasurer: Judith P. Jenney
Vice Treasurer: Tom L. Heidrick
Past President: Spencer R. Titley
Councilor 1: Robert C. Moore (75-78)
Councilor 1: Albert J. Perry (75-78)
Councilor 2: Frederick T. Graybeal (74-77)
Councilor 2: Denis L. Norton (74-77)
Councilor 3: H. Wesley Peirce (73-76)
Councilor 3: Woodrow W. Simmons (73-76)*
Note: Simmons deceased in October 1975,
position not filled
Pub. Editors: Digest 10, Jan C. Wilt and Judith P. Jenney
Year 1976-77
President: William E. Saegart
VP Field Trips: Edgar J. McCullough, Jr.
Secretary: Jan C. Wilt
Vice Secretary: Neil Upchurch/Chester Oakley
Treasurer: H. David MacLean
Vice Treasurer: Peter G. Dunn
Past President: Charles P. Miller
Councilor 1: Judith P. Jenney (76-79)
Councilor 1: William C. Peters (76-79)
Councilor 2: Albert J. Perry (75-78)
Councilor 2: Robert C. Moore (75-78)
Councilor 3: Denis L. Norton (74-77)
Councilor 3: Frederick T. Graybeal (74-77)
Year 1977-78
President: Edgar J. McCullough, Jr.
VP Field Trips: H. David Maclean
Secretary: John S. Vuich*
Vice Secretary: Norman E. Lehman
Treasurer: Peter G. Dunn
Vice Treasurer: Steven C. Potter
Past President: William E. Saegart*
Councilor 1: Gordon L. Pine (77-80)*
Councilor 1: John A. Thoms (77-80)
Councilor 2: Judith P. Jenney (76-79)
Councilor 2: William C. Peters (76-79)
Councilor 3: Albert J. Perry (75-78)
Councilor 3: Robert C. Moore (75-78)*
Note: Vuich to California 11/78, Saegart to Chile 1/78,
Pine to Reno 6/78, Moore to Denver 1/78
Year 1978-79
President: Peter G. Dunn
VP Field Trips: Anne K. Loring
Secretary: Norman E. Lehman
Vice Secretary: W. Richard Hahman, Sr.
Treasurer: Nora I. Colburn
Vice Treasurer: Steven C. Potter
Past President: Edgar J. McCollough, Jr.
Councilor 1: Sal Al Anzalone (78-81)
Councilor 1: John E. Kinnison (78-81)
Councilor 2: Edgar J. McCullough, Jr. (77-80)
Councilor 2: Jan C. Wilt (77-80)
Councilor 3: Judith P. Jenney (76-79)
Councilor 3: William C. Peters (76-79)
Pub. Editors: Digest 11, Judith P. Jenney & Helen R. Hauck
Year 1979-80
President: Anne K. Loring
VP Field Trips: David MacLean/Tom Heidrick*
VP Programs: Norman E. Lehman
Secretary: W. Richard Hahman, Sr.
Vice Secretary: Richard J. Lundin
Treasurer: Steven C. Potter
Vice Treasurer: Larry D. Fellows
Past President: Peter G. Dunn
Councilor 1: Peter J. Coney (79-82)
Councilor 1: William D. Payne (79-82)
Councilor 2: Sal A. Anzalone (78-81)
Councilor 2: John E. Kinnison ((78-81)
Councilor 3: Edgar J. McCullough (77-80)
Councilor 3: Jan C. Wilt (77-80)
Note: MacLean to Canada, replaced by Heidrick in Sept
Pub. Editors: Digest 12, Judith P. Jenney & Claudia Stone
Year 1981*
President: Norman E. Lehman
VP Field Trips: Tom L. Heidrick
VP Programs: Steven C. Potter
Secretary: Michael R. Wolfhard
Vice Secretary: Patrick Tucci
Treasurer: Larry D. Fellows
Vice Treasurer: Roger A. Newell
Past President: Anne K. Loring
Councilor 1: Christopher B. Gillette (81-83)
Councilor 1: James D. Loghry (81-83)
Councilor 2: Peter J. Coney (79-82)
Councilor 2: William D. Payne (79-82)
Councilor 3: Sal A. Anzalone (78-81)
Councilor 3: John E. Kinnison (78-81)
Note: Term lasted from 9/80 to 12/81
Pub, Editors: Digest 13, Claudia Stone & Judith P. Jenney
Year 1982
President: William D. Payne
VP Field Trips: Claudia Stone
VP Programs: Jerry Aiken
Secretary: Michael R. Wolfhard
Vice Secretary: Henry T. Eyrich
Treasurer: Larry K. Lepley
Vice Treasurer: Michael Rauschkolb
Past President: Norman E. Lehman
Councilor 1: Spencer R.Titley (82-84)
Councilor 1: H. Wesley Peirce (82-84)
Councilor 2: Errol Montgomery (81-83)
Councilor 2: James D. Loghry (81-83)
Councilor 3: Peter J. Coney (79-82)
Councilor 3:
Note: Councilor (79-82) unfilled when Payne became
Pub. Editors: Digest 14, William R. Dickinson
and William D. Payne
Year 1983
President: Claudia Stone
VP Field Trips: Stanley B. Keith
VP Programs: Richard E. Beane
Secretary: Michael R. Wolfhard
Vice Secretary: Pamela A. K. Wilkinson
Treasurer: Michael Rauschkolb
Vice Treasurer: Chris Ludwig
Past President: William D. Payne
Councilor 1: ? (83-85)
Councilor 1: ? (83-85)
Councilor 2: Spencer R. Titley (82-84)
Councilor 2: H. Wesley Peirce (82-84)
Councilor 3: Errol Montgomery (81-83)
Councilor 3: James D. Loghry (81-83)
Year 1984
President: Stanley B. Keith
VP Field Trips: Michael R. Wolfard
VP Programs: Jan C. Wilt
Secretary: William H. Wilkinson
Vice Secretary: Pamela A. K. Wilkinson
Treasurer: Richard R. Park
Vice Treasurer: Chris Ludwig
Past President: Claudia Stone
Councilor 1: ? (84-86)
Councilor 1: ? (84-86)
Councilor 2: ? (83-85)
Councilor 2: ? (83-85)
Councilor 3: Spencer R. Titley (82-84)
Councilor 3: H. Wesley Peirce (82-84)
Pub. Editor: Digest 15, Joe Wilkins, Jr.
Year 1985
President: Jan C. Wilt
VP Field Trips: Joe Wilkins, Jr.
VP Programs: William H. Wilkinson
Secretary: Richard E. Beane/Joseph E. Shearer
Vice Secretary: Joseph E. Shearer
Treasurer: Richard R. Park
Vice Treasurer: Jeane S. Cline
Past President: Stanley B. Keith
Councilor 1: none elected (85-87)
Councilor 1: none elected (85-87)
Councilor 2: ? (84-86)
Councilor 2: ? (84-86)
Councilor 3: ? (83-85)
Councilor 3: ? (83-85)
Year 1986
President: Joe Wilkins, Jr.
VP Field Trips: William H.Wilkinson
VP Programs: Parry Willard
Secretary: Joseph E. Shearer
Vice Secretary: Erick F. Weiland
Treasurer: Richard R. Park
Vice Treasurer: Jeane S. Cline
Past President: Jan C. Wilt
Councilor 1: none elected (86-88)
Councilor 1: none elected (86-88)
Councilor 2: none elected (85-87)
Councilor 2: none elected (85-87)
Councilor 3: ? (84-86)
Councilor 3: ? (84-86)
Pub. Editors: Digest 16, Barbara Beatty and
P. A. K. Wilkinson
Year 1987
President: William H. Wilkinson*/Jim Briscoe
VP Programs: John M. Guilbert
Secretary: Erick Weiland
Treasurer: John Latta
Past President: Joe Wilkins, Jr.
Councilor 1: Eric Lauritsen (87-88) ?
Councilor 1: Jan C. Wilt (87-89) ?
Councilor 2: Jim D. Sell (87) ?
Councilor 2: Steve J. Reynolds (87) ?
Councilor 3: ? (85-87)
Councilor 3: ? (85-87)
Note: Wilkinson resigned/ transferred to Reno,
replaced by Briscoe
Pub. Editors: Digest 18, William R. Dickinson
and Margaret A. Klute
Year 1988
President: John M. Guilbert
VP Field Trips: Nora Colburn/Hugo Dummett
VP Programs: Steve J. Reynolds
Secretary: Erick Weiland
Vice Secretary: Carl (Tony) Kuehn
Treasurer: John Latta
Vice Treasurer: Anna Domitrovic
Past President: James Briscoe
Councilor 1: Charles P. Miller (88-90)
Councilor 1: Robert Hockett (88-90)
Councilor 2: Eric Lauritsen (87-89)
Councilor 2: Jan C. Wilt (87-89)
Councilor 3: Joe Wilkins, Jr. (86-88) ?
Councilor 3: ? (86-88)
Year 1989
President: Erick Weiland
VP Field Trips: Hugo Dummett
VP Programs: Steve Reynolds
Secretary: Richard A. Trapp
Vice Secretary: Carl (Tony) Kuehn
Treasurer: Anna M. Domitrovic
Vice Treasurer: Charles (Steve) Eady
Past President: John M. Guilbert
Councilor 1: none elected (89-91)
Councilor 1: none elected (89-91)
Councilor 2: Robert Hockett (88-90)
Councilor 2: Charles P. Miller (88-90)
Councilor 3: Charles L. Elliot (87-89)
Councilor 3: Jan C. Wilt (87-89)
Pub. Editors: Digest 17, J. P. Jenney and S. J. Reynolds
Year 1990
President: Steve J. Reynolds
VP Field Trips: Ed DeWitt and Karl Karlstrom
VP Programs: Carl (Tony) Kuehn
Secretary: Richard A. Trapp
Treasurer: Anna M. Domitrovic
Vice Treasurer: Charles (Steve) Eady
Past President: Erick Weiland
Councilor 1: Mike Greeley (90-92)*
Councilor 1: Larry Fellows (90-92)*
Councilor 2: Garry Alexander (90-91)*
Councilor 2: Russell Corn (90-91)*
Councilor 3: Robert Hockett (88-90)
Councilor 3: Charles P. Miller (88-90)
Note: Four councilors elected in May 1990
Year 1991
President: Richard A. Trapp
VP Field Trips: Karl Karlstrom and Ed DeWitt
VP Programs: Brenda B. Houser
Secretary: Karen S. Bolm
Vice Secretary: Barbara Thomssen
Treasurer: Anna M. Domitrovic
Vice Treasurer: Charles S. Eady
Past President: Steven J. Reynolds
Councilor 1: Carl (Tony) Kuehn (91-93)
Councilor 1: Keith Long (91-93)
Councilor 2: Mike Greeley (90-92)
Councilor 2: Larry Fellows (90-92)
Councilor 3: Garry Alexander (90-91
Councilor 3: Russell Corn (90-91)
Pub. Editor: Digest 19, K. E. Karlstrom
Year 1992
President: Anna M. Domitrovic
VP Field Trips: Brenda B. Houser
VP Programs: Ann D, Pattison
Secretary: Karen S. Bolm
Vice Secretary: Jon Shenk
Treasurer: Charles S. Eady
Vice Treasurer: Corolla K. Hoag
Past President: Richard A. Trapp
Councilor 1: Jon E. Spencer (92-94)
Councilor 1: Frances W. Pierce (92-94)
Councilor 2: Carl (Tony) Kuehn (91-93)
Councilor 2: Keith Long (91-93)
Councilor 3: Mike Greeley (90-92)
Councilor 3: Larry Fellows (90-92)
Year 1993
President: Brenda B. Houser
VP Field Trips: Mark A. Miller
VP Programs: Ann D. Pattison
Secretary: Karen S. Bolm
Vice Secretary: Jon Shenk
Treasurer: Charles S. Eady
Vice Treasurer: Corolla K. Hoag
Past President: Anna M. Domitrovic
Councilor 1: Erick Weiland (93-95)
Councilor 1: John G. Bolm (93-95)
Councilor 2: Jon E. Spencer (92-94)
Councilor 2: Frances W Pierce (92-94)
Councilor 3: Carl (Tony) Kuehn (91-93)
Councilor 3: Keith Long (91-93)
Year 1994
President: Frances W. Pierce
VP Field Trips: Mark A. Miller
VP Programs: Leslie Cox
Secretary: Karen S. Bolm
Vice Secretary: Floyd Gray
Treasurer: Corolla K. Hoag
Vice Treasurer: Ann D. Pattison
Past President: Brenda B. Houser
Councilor 1: Sterling S. Cook (94-96)
Councilor 1: Syver W. More (94-96)
Councilor 2: Erick F. Weiland (93-95)
Councilor 2: John G. Bolm (93-95)
Councilor 3: Jon E. Spencer (92-94)
Councilor 3: Robert J. Kamilli (92-94)*
Note: Kamilli replaced Pierce, when Pierce
became President
Year 1995
President: John G. Bolm
VP Field Trips: Mark A. Miller
VP Programs: Robert J. Kamilli
Secretary: Jon E. Spencer
Vice Secretary: Floyd Gray
Treasurer: Corolla K. Hoag
Vice Treasurer: Ann D. Pattison
Past President: Frances W. Pierce
Councilor 1: Anna M. Domitrovic (95-97)
Councilor 1: David M. Spatz (95-97)
Councilor 2: Sterling S. Cook (94-96)
Councilor 2: Syver W. More (94-96)
Councilor 3: Erick F. Weiland (93-95)
Councilor 3: Brenda B. Houser (93-95)*
Note: Houser replaced Bolm, when Bolm became President
Pub. Editors: Digest 20, Frances W. Pierce and
John G. Bolm
Year 1996
President: Mark A. Miller
VP Field Trips: Stephen M. Richard
VP Programs: Robert J. Kamilli
Secretary: Jon E. Spencer
Vice Secretary: Ann D. Pattison
Treasurer: Corolla K. Hoag
Vice Treasurer: Frances W. Pierce
Past President: John G. Bolm
Councilor 1: Paul Gilmour (96-98)
Councilor 1: Richard Preece (96-98)
Councilor 2: Anna M. Domitrovic (95-97)
Councilor 2: David M. Spatz (95-97)
Councilor 3: S. S. Cook*/R. L .Williamson, Jr. (94-96)
Councilor 3: Syver W. More (94-96)
Note: Sterling S. Cook resigned in mid 1996. Replaced by
Robert L. Williamson, Jr.
Year 1997
President: Corolla K. Hoag
VP Field Trips: Stephen M. Richard
VP Programs: Robert J. Kamilli
Secretary: Jon E. Spencer
Vice Secretary: Robert L. Williamson, Jr.
Treasurer: John G. Bolm
Vice Treasurer: Robert M. Moulton
Past President: Mark A. Miller
Councilor 1: Robert R. Casavant (97-99)
Councilor 1: Sondra Teske (97-99)
Councilor 2: Paul Gilmour (96-98)
Councilor 2: Richard Preece (96-98)
Councilor 3: Anna M. Domitrovic (95-97)
Councilor 3: David M. Spatz (95-97)
Year 1998
President: David M. Spatz
VP Field Trips: Stephen M. Richard
VP Programs: Robert J. Kamilli
Secretary: Jon E. Spencer
Vice Secretary: Robert L. Williamson, Jr.
Treasurer: John G. Bolm
Vice Treasurer: Catherine G. York
Past President: Corolla K. Hoag
Councilor 1: J. Alan Coope (98-00)
Councilor 1: Dawn H. Garcia (98-00)
Councilor 2: Robert R. Casavant (97-99)
Councilor 2: Sondra Teske*/Caroline S. Torres (97-99)
Councilor 3: Paul Guilmour (96-98)
Councilor 3: Richard K. Preece (96-98)
Note: Teske replaced by Torres
Pub. Editors: Geologic Highway Map, R. J. Kamilli
and S. M. Richard
Year 1999
President: Robert J. Kamilli
VP Field Trips: Dawn H. Garcia
VP Programs: Stephen M. Richard
VP Marketing: Mark A. Miller
Secretary: Jon E. Spencer
Vice Secretary: Robert L. Williamson, Jr.
Treasurer: Catherine G. York
Vice Treasurer: Michelle Pearson
Past President: David M. Spatz
Councilor 1: John G. Bolm (99-01)
Councilor 1: Corolla K. Hoag (99-01)
Councilor 2: J. Alan Coope (98-00)
Councilor 2: Richard K. Preece (98-00)*
Councilor 3: Robert R. Casavant (97-99)
Councilor 3: Caroline S. Torres (97-99)
Note: Preece replaced Garcia, when Garcia became
VP Field Trips
Year 2000
President: Richard K. Preece
VP Field Trips: Corolla K. Hoag
VP Programs: Stephen M. Richard
VP Marketing: Mark A. Miller
Secretary: Jon E. Spencer
Vice Secretary: Robert L. Williamson, Jr.
Treasurer: Catherine G. York
Vice Treasurer: Volker Spieth
Past President: Robert J. Kamilli
Councilor 1: Michael L. Alter (00-02)
Councilor 1: Caroline S. Torres (00-02)
Councilor 2: John G. Bolm (99-01)
Councilor 2: Henry A. Truebe (99-01)*
Councilor 3: J. Alan Coope (98-00)
Councilor 3: Ann D. Pattison (98-00)*
Note Pattison replaced Preece, when Preece became
President, Truebe replaced Hoag, when Hoag became
VP Field Trips
Year 2001
President: Jon E. Spencer
VP Field Trips: Sterling S. Cook, III
VP Programs: Stephen M. Richard
VP Marketing: Caroline S. Torres/Mark A. Miller*
Secretary: Corolla K. Hoag
Vice Secretary: Bret S. Canale
Treasurer: Karen S. Bolm
Vice Treasurer: Coleen Brown
Past President: Richard K. Preece
Councilor 1: Joaquin S. Ruiz (01-03)
Councilor 1: Robert J. Kamilli (01-03)
Councilor 2: Michael L. Alter (00-02)
Councilor 2: Volker Spieth (00-02)*
Councilor 3: John G. Bolm (99-01)
Councilor 3: Henry A. Truebe (99-01)
Note: Spieth replaced Torrres, when Torres became
VP Marketing, Torres later replaced by Miller
Year 2002
President: Stephen M. Richard
VP Field Trips: David Maher
VP Programs: John F. Sutter
VP Marketing: Mark A. Miller
Secretary: Corolla K. Hoag
Vice Secretary: Bret S. Canale
Treasurer: Karen S. Bolm
Vice Treasurer: Coleen Brown
Past President: Jon E. Spencer
Councilor 1: Syver W. Moore (02-04)
Councilor 1: Ann D. Pattison (02-04)
Councilor 2: Joaquin S. Ruiz (01-03)
Councilor 2: Robert J. Kamilli (01-03)
Councilor 3: Michael L. Alter (00-02)
Councilor 3: Timothy S. Hayes (00-02)
Year 2003
President: Michael L. Alter
VP Field Trips: David J. Maher
VP Programs: John F. Sutter
VP Marketing: Mark A. Miller/Corolla K. Hoag
Secretary: Corolla K. Hoag
Vice Secretary: Bret S. Canale
Treasurer: Karen S. Bolm
Vice Treasurer: Coleen Brown
Past President: Stephen M. Richard
Councilor 1: Timothy S. Hayes (03-05)
Councilor 1: Jon E. Spencer (03-05)
Councilor 2: Syver W. More (02-04)
Councilor 2: Ann D. Pattison (02-04)
Councilor 3: Joaquin S. Ruiz (01-03)
Councilor 3: Robert J. Kamilli (01-03)
Year 2004
President: Eric Seedorff
VP Field Trips: David J. Maher
VP Programs: Robert J. Kamilli
VP Marketing: Dawn H. Garcia
Secretary: Corolla K. Hoag
Vice Secretary: Bret S. Canale
Treasurer: Karen S. Bolm
Vice Treasurer: Coleen Brown
Past President: Michael L. Alter
Councilor 1: Brian Gootee*/Kris Hefton (04-06)*
Councilor 1: Jeff Manuszak (04-06)
Councilor 2: Timothy S. Hayes (03-05)
Councilor 2: Jon E. Spencer (03-05)
Councilor 3: Syver W. More (02-04)
Councilor 3: Ann D. Pattison (02-04)
Note: Gootee resigned, replaced by Kris Hefton
Year 2005
President: Ralph J. Stegen
VP Field Trips: David J. Maher
VP Programs: Robert J. Kamilli
VP Marketing: Michael L. Alter
Secretary: Corolla K. Hoag
Vice Secretary: Bret S. Canale
Treasurer: Kris Hefton
Vice Treasurer: Coleen Brown
Past President: Eric Seedorff
Councilor 1: James F. Hays (05-07)
Councilor 1: Robert E. Powell (05-07)
Councilor 2: Ann D. Pattison (04-06)*
Councilor 2: Jeff Manuszak (04-06)
Councilor 3: Timothy S. Hayes (03-05)
Councilor 3: Jon E. Spencer (03-05)
Note: Pattison replaced Hefton, when Hefton became
Year 2006
President: Robert E. Powell
VP Field Trips: Rich Lundin
VP Programs: Robert J. Kamilli
VP Marketing: Michael L. Alter
Secretary: Corolla K. Hoag
Vice Secretary: Bret S. Canale
Treasurer: Kris Hefton
Vice Treasurer: Coleen Brown
Past President: Ralph J. Stegen
Councilor 1: Richard Brown (06-08)
Councilor 1: Jon E. Spencer (06-08)
Councilor 2: James F. Hays (05-07)
Councilor 2: David J. Maher (05-07)*
Councilor 3: Ann D. Pattison (04-06)
Councilor 3: Jeff Manuszak/A. M. Thibodeau (04-06)*
Note: Maher replaced Powell, when Powell became
President, Manuszak replaced by Alyson Thibodeau
Year 2007
President: Ann D. Pattison
VP Field Trips: Richard Brown
VP Programs: Robert J. Kamilli
VP Marketing: Michael L. Alter
Secretary: Claudia Stone
Vice Secretary: J. Keith Rodgers
Treasurer: Kris Hefton
Vice Treasurer: Coleen Brown
Past President: Robert E. Powell
Councilor 1: Corolla K. Hoag (07-09)
Councilor 1: M. Lee Allison (07-09)
Councilor 2: Alyson M. Thibodeau (06-08)*
Councilor 2: Jon E. Spencer (06-08)
Councilor 3: James F. Hays (05-07)
Councilor 3: David J. Maher (05-07)
Note: Thibodeau replaced Brown, when Brown became
VP Field Trips
Year 2008
President: M. Lee Allison
VP Field Trips: Richard Brown
VP Programs: Robert J. Kamilli
VP Marketing: Lukas Zürcher
Secretary: Claudia Stone
Vice Secretary: J. Keith Rodgers
Treasurer: Kris Hefton
Vice Treasurer: Coleen Brown
Past President: Ann D. Pattison
Councilor 1: Mark D. Cocker (08-10)
Councilor 1: Karl L. Sandwell-Weiss (08-10)
Councilor 2: Robert E. Powell (07-09)*
Councilor 2: Corrolla K. Hoag (07-09)
Councilor 3: Alyson M. Thibodeau (06-08)
Councilor 3: Jon E. Spencer (06-08)
Note: Powell replaced Allison, when Allison became
Pub Editor: Digest 22, J. E. Spencer & S. R. Titley
Year 2009
President: Kevin C. Horstman
VP Field Trips: Doug Shakel
VP Programs: Robert J. Kamilli
VP Marketing: Lukas Zürcher
Secretary: Claudia Stone
Vice Secretary: Greta J. Orris
Treasurer: Kris Hefton
Vice Treasurer: Coleen Brown
Past President: M. Lee Allison
Councilor 1: Charles P. Miller (09-11)
Councilor 1: Diana C. Kamilli (09-11)
Councilor 2: Mark D. Cocker (08-10)
Councilor 2: Karl L. Sandwell-Weiss (08-10)
Councilor 3: Robert E. Powell (07-09)
Councilor 3: Corolla K. Hoag (07-09)
Year 2010
President: Mark D. Cocker
VP Field Trips: Doug Shakel
VP Programs: Robert J. Kamilli
VP Marketing: Corolla K. Hoag
Secretary: Alison H. Jones
Vice Secretary: Greta J. Orris
Treasurer: Kris Hefton
Vice Treasurer: Coleen Brown
Past President: Kevin C. Horstman
Councilor 1: Jeffrey Cornoyer (10-12)
Councilor 1: Claudia Stone (10-12)
Councilor 2: M. Lee Allison (09-11)*
Councilor 2: Diana C. Kamilli (09-11)
Councilor 3: Ann D. Pattison (08-10)*
Councilor 3: Karl Sandwell-Weiss (08-10)
Note: Pattison replaced Cocker, when Cocker became
President, Allison replaced Miller
Year 2011
President: Greta J. Orris
VP Field Trips: Doug Shakel
VP Programs: Robert J. Kamilli
VP Marketing: Ann D. Pattison
Secretary: Alison H. Jones
Vice Secretary: David F. Briggs
Treasurer: Coleen Brown
Vice Treasurer: Michael Conway
Past President: Mark D. Cocker
Councilor 1: Anthony B. Williams*/Kim Wilson (11-13)
Councilor 1: Robert E. Powell (11-13)
Councilor 2: Jeffrey Cornoyer (10-12)
Councilor 2: Claudia Stone (10-12)
Councilor 3: M. Lee Allison (09-11)
Councilor 3: Diana C. Kamilli (09-11)
Note: Williams resigned. Replaced by Kim Wilson
Year 2012
President: Jeff Cornoyer
VP Field Trips: Doug Shakel
VP Programs: Robert J. Kamilli
VP Marketing: Ann D. Pattison
Secretary: Alison H. Jones
Vice Secretary: David F. Briggs
Treasurer: Coleen Brown
Vice Treasurer: Michael Conway
Past President: Greta J. Orris
Councilor 1: Michael Busby (12-14)
Councilor 1: Kenneth J. Hollett (12-14)
Councilor 2: Kim Wilson (11-13)
Councilor 2: Robert E. Powell (11-13)
Councilor 3: Corolla K. Hoag (10-12)*
Councilor 3: Claudia Stone (10-12)
Note: Hoag replaced Cornoyer, when Cornoyer became
Year 2013
President: Alison Jones
VP Field Trips: Corolla K. Hoag
VP Programs: Robert J. Kamilli
VP Marketing: Ann D. Pattison
Secretary: Michael Busby
Vice Secretary: David F. Briggs
Treasurer: Michael Conway
Vice Treasurer: Kim Wilson
Past President: Jeffrey Cornoyer
Councilor 1: Richard Jones (13-15)
Councilor 1: Coleen Brown (13-15)
Councilor 2: Isabel Fay (12-14)*
Councilor 2: Kenneth J. Hollett (12-14)
Councilor 3: Greta J. Orris (11-13)*
Councilor 3: Rachel C. Feuerbach (11-13)*
Note: Councilor elect Shakel (replaced Busby) passed away
in Nov 2012, Fay appointed to serve his term (12-14), Orris
replaced Wilson, when Wilson became Vice Treasurer,
Feuerback replaced Powell
Year 2014
President: Kim Wilson*/Mike Conway
VP Field Trips: Ralph J. Stegen
VP Programs: Robert J. Kamilli
VP Marketing: Ann D. Pattison
Secretary: David F. Briggs
Vice Secretary: Trevor Cole
Treasurer: Michael Conway
Vice Treasurer: Rachel C. Feuerbach
Past President: Alison H. Jones
Councilor 1: Bruce M. Walker (14-16)
Councilor 1: Lily J. Jackson*/Stan H. Evans, Jr. (14-16)
Councilor 2: Richard Jones (13-15)
Councilor 2: Coleen Brown (13-15)
Councilor 3: Kenneth J. Hollett (12-14)
Councilor 3: Isabel Fay (12-14)
Note: Wilson pasted away in Sept. Conway served
out her term. Jackson resigned and moved to Austin,
Evans appointed to serve term.
Year 2015
President: Michael Conway
VP Field Trips: Ralph J. Stegen*
VP Programs: Robert J. Kamilli
VP Marketing: Ann D. Pattison
Secretary: David F. Briggs
Vice Secretary: Trevor Cole*
Treasurer: Alison H. Jones
Vice Treasurer: Rachel C. Feuerbach
Councilor 1: Carl Bowser (15-17)
Councilor 1: Marisa Lerew (15-17)
Councilor 2: Bruce M. Walker (14-16)
Councilor 2: Stanley H. Evans, Jr. (14-16)
Councilor 3: Richard Jones (13-15)
Councilor 3: Coleen Brown (13-15)
Note: Stegen resigned in January, Cole resigned in April,
positions not filled.
Year 2016
President: Donald J. Applebee
VP Field Trips: Robert S. Hildebrand
VP Programs: Robert J. Kamilli
VP Marketing: Ann D. Pattison
Secretary: David F. Briggs
Vice Secretary: Jeffrey Cornoyer
Treasurer: Rachel C. Feuerbach
Vice Treasurer: Alison H. Jones
Past President: Michael Conway
Councilor 1: Sarah Elizabeth Baxter (16-18)
Councilor 1: J. D. Miser/Simone Runyon (16-18)
Councilor 2: Carl Bowser (15-17)
Councilor 2: Marisa Lerew (15-17)
Councilor 3: Bruce M. Walker (14-16)
Councilor 3: Stanley H. Evans, Jr. (14-16)
Year 2017
President: David F. Briggs
VP Field Trips: Wolf Schuh
VP Programs: Robert J. Kamilli
VP Marketing: Ann D. Pattison
Secretary: Alison H. Jones
Vice Secretary: Rachel C. Feuerbach
Treasurer: Stanley H. Evans, Jr.
Vice Treasurer: Michael Conway
Past President: Donald J. Applebee
Councilor 1: Dan Aiken (17-19)
Councilor 1: Leandra Marshall (17-19)
Councilor 2: Simone Runyon (16-18)
Councilor 2: Sarah Elizabeth Baxter (16-18)
Councilor 3: Carl Bowser (15-17)
Councilor 3: Marisa Lerew (15-17)
Year 2018
President: Marisa Lerew
VP Field Trips: Wolf Schuh
VP Programs: Karen Wenrich
VP Marketing: Donald J. Applebee
Secretary: Leandra Marshall
Treasurer: Mike Conway
Past President: David F. Briggs
Councilor 1: William Whitty (18-20)
Councilor 1: Jennifer Isbell (18-20)
Councilor 2: Dan Aiken (17-19)
Councilor 2: Ray Irwin (17-19)
Councilor 3: Colin Campbell (16-18)
Councilor 3: Bob Cummings (16-18)
Year 2019
President: Sarah Elizabeth Baxter
VP Field Trips: Wolf Schuh
Secretary: Leandra Marshall
Vice Secretary: Colin Campbell
Treasurer: Mike Conway
Past President: Marisa Lerew
Councilor 1: Matthew Wetzel (2019-2021)
Councilor 1: Carson Richardson (2019-2021)
Councilor 2: William Whitty (18-20)
Councilor 2: Jennifer Isbell (18-20)
Councilor 3: Dan Aiken (17-19)
Councilor 3: Ray Irwin (17-19)
Year 2020
President: Jon Whittier
VP Field Trips:
VP Programs: Jeff Bickel
Vice Secretary: Colin Campbell
Treasurer: Mike Conway
Vice Treasurer:
Past President:
Councilor 1: Dennis Olson (2020-2022)
Councilor 1: Troy Tittlemier (2020-2022)
Councilor 2: Matthew Wetzel (2019-2021)
Councilor 2: Carson Richardson (2019-2021)
Councilor 3: Dan Aiken (2018-2020)
Councilor 3: William Whitty (2018-2020)
Year 2021
President: Jon Whittier
VP Field Trips:
VP Programs: Jeff Bickel
VP Marketing:
Secretary: Colin Campbell
Vice Secretary:
Treasurer: Mike Conway
Vice Treasurer:
Councilor 1: Dan Aiken (2021-2023)
Councilor 1: Fred Johnson (2021-2023)
Councilor 2: Dennis Olson (2020-2022)
Councilor 2: Troy Tittlemier (2020-2022)
Councilor 3: Mathew Wetzel (2019-2021)
Councilor 3: Carson Richardson (2019-2021)
Year 2022
President: Jon Whittier
VP Field Trips: Dennis Olson
VP Programs: Mike Conway
VP Marketing: Troy Tittlemier
Secretary: Colin Campbell
Vice Secretary:
Treasurer: Carson Richardson
Vice Treasurer:
Councilor 1: Eric Seedorff (2022-2024)
Councilor 1: Ralph Stegen (2022-2024)
Councilor 2: Dan Aiken (2021-2023)
Councilor 2: Fred Johnson (2021-2023)
Councilor 3: (2020-2022)
Councilor 3: (2020-2022)
Year 2023
President: Mike Conway
VP Field Trips: Paul Jensen
VP Programs: Simone Runyon
VP Marketing: Aaron Conley
Secretary: Jen La Sure
Vice Secretary: Mike McCarrel
Treasurer: Carson Richardson
Vice Treasurer: Sadie Huggle
Past President: Jon Whittier
Councilor 1: Dan Aiken (2021-2023)
Councilor 1: Benedek Gal (2021-2023)
Councilor 2: Eric Seedorff (2022-2024)
Councilor 2: Ralph Stegen (2022-2024)
Councilor 3: Sterling Cook (2023-2025)
Councilor 3: Sean O'Neil (2023-2025)
Year 2024
President: Mike Conway
VP Field Trips: Paul Jensen
VP Programs: Phil Pearthree
VP Marketing: Aaron Conley
Secretary: Mike McCarrel
Vice Secretary: Jen La Sure
Treasurer: Bennedek Gál
Vice Treasurer: Sadie Huggler
Past President: Mike Conway
Councilor 1: Eric Seedorff (2022-2024)
Councilor 1: Ralph Stegen (2022-2024)
Councilor 2: Sterling Cook (2023-2025)
Councilor 2: Sean O'Neal (2023-2025)
Councilor 3: Chad Kwiatkowski (2024-2026)
Councilor 3: Elijah Mullins ((2024-2026)
Year 2025
President: Ann Pattison
VP Field Trips: Dave Maher
VP Programs: Phil Pearthree
VP Marketing:
Secretary: Mike McCarrel
Vice Secretary: Nathan Carey
Treasurer: Bennedek Gál
Vice Treasurer: Larry Dykers Past President: Mike Conway
Councilor 1: Sterling Cook (2023-2025)
Councilor 1: Sean O'Neal (2023-2025)
Councilor 2: Elijah Mullins (2024-2026)
Councilor 2: Chad Kwiatkowski (2024-2026)
Councilor 3: Maureen Garrett (2025-2027)
Councilor 3: Amanda Hughes (2025-2027)