Arizona Geological Society
An Overview of Mineralogy of Arizona, 4th Edition
by Dr Ray Grant
Founder and Curator of the Pinal Geology Mineral Museum
Coolidge, Arizona
Tues. June 7, 2022 | 6:30 p.m.
(ZOOM window open at 6:15 p.m.)
Abstract: A new edition of the Mineralogy of Arizona will be available in June 2022. Raymond Grant, Ronald Gibbs, Harvey Jong, Jan Rasmussen, and Stanley Keith are the authors of this edition. It has over 200 additional minerals that have been found in Arizona since the last edition, bringing the total number of mineral species recorded from Arizona to 992. New chapters have been added on Arizona Gemstone and Lapidary Materials, Arizona Fluorescent Minerals and Arizona Mineral Occurrences. The book is enhanced by over 300 color photographs of minerals and new detailed mineral district maps for each county in Arizona.
BIO: Dr. Ray Grant is a geoscience educator, mineralogist, and founder and curator of the Pinal Geology Mineral Museum, Coolidge, Arizona.