AGS Digest 12
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Jenney, J. P., and Stone, C., eds., 1980, Studies in Western Arizona: Arizona Geological Society Digest 12, 322 p.
Reynolds, S. J., 1980, Geological Framework of West-Central Arizona, in Jenney, J. P., and Stone, C., eds., Studies in Western Arizona: Arizona Geological Society Digest 12, p. 1-16.
Haxel, G., Wright, J. E., May, D. J., and Tosdal, R. M., 1980, Reconnaissance Geology of the Mesozoic and Lower Cenozoic Rocks of the Southern Papago Indian Reservation, Arizona: A Preliminary Report, in Jenney, J. P., and Stone, C., eds., Studies in Western Arizona: Arizona Geological Society Digest 12, p. 17-29.
Aiken, C. L. V., Wetterauer, R. H., and de la Fluente, M. F., 1980, A Merging of Aeromagnetic Data Sets in Southwest Arizona and Northwestern Mexico and Analysis of the Results, in Jenney, J. P., and Stone, C., eds., Studies in Western Arizona: Arizona Geological Society Digest 12, p. 31-43.
Reynolds, S. J., Keith, S. B., and Coney, P. J., 1980, Stacked Overthrusts of Precambrian Crystalline Basement and Inverted Paleozoic Sections Emplaced over Mesozoic Strata, West-Central Arizona, in Jenney, J. P., and Stone, C., eds., Studies in Western Arizona: Arizona Geological Society Digest 12, p. 45-51.
Cordiviola, S., 1980, Hillslope Processes in Southwestern Arizona, in Jenney, J. P., and Stone, C., eds., Studies in Western Arizona: Arizona Geological Society Digest 12, p. 53-62.
Tucker, W. C., Jr., 1980, Tectonic Geomorphology of the Luke Air Force Range, Arizona, in Jenney, J. P., and Stone, C., eds., Studies in Western Arizona: Arizona Geological Society Digest 12, p. 63-87.
Rehrig, W. A., Shafiqullah, M., and Damon, P. E., 1980, Geochronology, Geology, and Listric Normal Faulting of the Vulture Mountains, Maricopa County, Arizona, in Jenney, J. P., and Stone, C., eds., Studies in Western Arizona: Arizona Geological Society Digest 12, p. 89-110.
Tucker, W. C., Jr., 1980, The Geology of the Aguila Mountians Quadrangle, Yuma, Maricopa, and Pima Counties, Arizona, in Jenney, J. P., and Stone, C., eds., Studies in Western Arizona: Arizona Geological Society Digest 12, p. 111-122.
Marshak, S., 1980, A Preliminary Study of Mesozoic Geology in the Southern Dome Rock Mountains, Southwestern Arizona, in Jenney, J. P., and Stone, C., eds., Studies in Western Arizona: Arizona Geological Society Digest 12, p. 123-133.
Harding, L. E., 1980, Petrology and Tectonic Setting of the Livingston Hills Formation, Yuma County, Arizona, in Jenney, J. P., and Stone, C., eds., Studies in Western Arizona: Arizona Geological Society Digest 12, p. 135-145.
Robison, B. A., 1980, Description and Analysis of Mesozoic "Red Beds," Western Arizona and Southeastern California, in Jenney, J. P., and Stone, C., eds., Studies in Western Arizona: Arizona Geological Society Digest 12, p. 147-154.
Stensrud, H. L., and More, S., 1980, Precambrian Geology and Massive Sulfide Environments of the West-Central Hualapai Mountains, Mohave County, Arizona - A Preliminary Report, in Jenney, J. P., and Stone, C., eds., Studies in Western Arizona: Arizona Geological Society Digest 12, p. 155-165.
Evensen, J. M., 1980, A Structural Interpretation of a Portion of the Big Bug Group near Mayer, Arizona, in Jenney, J. P., and Stone, C., eds., Studies in Western Arizona: Arizona Geological Society Digest 12, p. 167-176.
Lovejoy, E. M. P., 1980, The Muddy Creek Formation at Colorado River in Grand Wash: The Dilemma of the Immovable Object, in Jenney, J. P., and Stone, C., eds., Studies in Western Arizona: Arizona Geological Society Digest 12, p. 177-192.
Thorpe, D. G., and Burt, D. M., 1980, Unique Chloritoid - Staurolite Schist from near Squaw Peak, Phoenix, Arizona, in Jenney, J. P., and Stone, C., eds., Studies in Western Arizona: Arizona Geological Society Digest 12, p. 193-200.
Shafiqullah, M., Damon, P. E., Lynch, D. J., Reynolds, S. J., Rehrig, W. A., and Raymond, R. H., 1980, K-Ar Geochronology and Geologic History of Southwestern Arizona and Adjacent Areas, in Jenney, J. P., and Stone, C., eds., Studies in Western Arizona: Arizona Geological Society Digest 12, p. 201-260.
Wessel, G. R., 1980, Thesis and Dissertation Index of Arizona Geology to December 1979, in Jenney, J. P., and Stone, C., eds., Studies in Western Arizona: Arizona Geological Society Digest 12, p. 261-289.
Dohms, P. H., Dunn, P. G., Harding, L. E., Lundin, R. J., Lynch, D. J., Reynolds, S. J., and Teet, J. E., 1980, Geologic Road Logs, 1979 Arizona Geological Society Spring Field Trip, in Jenney, J. P., and Stone, C., eds., Studies in Western Arizona: Arizona Geological Society Digest 12, p. 290-322.