AGS Digest 3
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Anthony, J. W., ed., 1960, Arizona Geological Society Digest 3: 185 p.
Richard, K., and Courtright, J. H., 1960, Some Cretaceous-Tertiary Relationships in Southeastern Arizona and New Mexico, in Anthony, J. W., ed., Arizona Geological Society Digest 3: p. 1-7.
Mathewson, D. E., 1960, Some Notes on Precambrian Structures in Arizona, in Anthony, J. W., ed., Arizona Geological Society Digest 3: p. 9-11.
Heindl, L. A., and Lance, J. F., 1960, Topographic, Physiographic, and Structural Subdivisions of Arizona, in Anthony, J. W., ed., Arizona Geological Society Digest 3: p. 12-18.
Cooley, M. E., 1960, Analysis of Gravel in Glen-San Juan Canyon Region Utah and Arizona, in Anthony, J. W., ed., Arizona Geological Society Digest 3: p. 19-30.
Heindl, L. A., 1960, Cenozoic Geology of the Papago Indian Reservation, Pima, Maricopa, and Pinal Counties, Arizona (A Preliminary Summary), in Anthony, J. W., ed., Arizona Geological Society Digest 3: p. 31-34.
Heindl, L. A., 1960, Geology of the Lower Bonita Creek Area (A Preliminary Report), in Anthony, J. W., ed., Arizona Geological Society Digest 3: p. 35-39.
Akers, J. P., 1960, Ground Water in the Red Lake Area, Navajo Indian Reservation Arizona and New Mexico, in Anthony, J. W., ed., Arizona Geological Society Digest 3: p. 41-42.
Akers, J. P., 1960, Geology of the Cameron and Leupp Quadrangles, Arizona, in Anthony, J. W., ed., Arizona Geological Society Digest 3: p. 43-44.
Akers, J. P., 1960, Current Assistance in Water-Development Program of Navajo Tribe, Arizona and New Mexico, in Anthony, J. W., ed., Arizona Geological Society Digest 3: p. 45.
Williams, S. A., 1960, A New Occurrence of Allanite in the Quijotoa Mountains, Pima County, Arizona, in Anthony, J. W., ed., Arizona Geological Society Digest 3: p. 46-51.
Bideaux, R. A., Williams, S. A., and Thomssen, R. W., 1960, Some New Occurrences of Minerals of Arizona, in Anthony, J. W., ed., Arizona Geological Society Digest 3: p. 53-56.
Moore, R., and Miller, H., W., 1960, A Dinosaur-Bearing Section of Cretaceous Rocks in the Empire Mountains, Pima County, Arizona, in Anthony, J. W., ed., Arizona Geological Society Digest 3: p. 57-61.
Miller, H. W., Jr., 1960, The Paleontological Literature of Arizona: A Review, in Anthony, J. W., ed., Arizona Geological Society Digest 3: p. 63-70.
Wargo, J. G., 1960, A Proposed Classification Scheme for Pyroclastic Rocks, in Anthony, J. W., ed., Arizona Geological Society Digest 3: p. 71-74.
Damon, P. E., Hedge, C. E., Taylor, O. J., and Halva, C., 1960, Radiometric Determination of Potassium in Silicates, in Anthony, J. W., ed., Arizona Geological Society Digest 3: p. 75 -80.
Halva, C., 1960, A Semi-Micro Analysis of Silicate Rocks for Ca, Mg, Fe, and Al Employing E. D. T. A., in Anthony, J. W., ed., Arizona Geological Society Digest 3: p. 81-86.
Taylor, O. J., 1960, Correlation of Volcanic Rocks in Santa Cruz County, Arizona, in Anthony, J. W., ed., Arizona Geological Society Digest 3: p. 87-91.
Sell, J. D., 1960, Diabase at the Magma Mine, Superior, Arizona, in Anthony, J. W., ed., Arizona Geological Society Digest 3: p. 93-97.
Anthony, J. W., 1960, A Note on the Probability of Assimilation of Rocks Intruded by the Central Arizona Diabase, in Anthony, J. W., ed., Arizona Geological Society Digest 3: p. 99-102.
Pye, W. D., 1960, Techniques of Porosity, Permeability and Insoluble Residue Analysis of Carbonates and their Economic Significance, in Anthony, J. W., ed., Arizona Geological Society Digest 3: p. 103-107.
Pye, W. D., 1960, Preliminary Petrographic Study of Some Cretaceous Coals in Arizona, in Anthony, J. W., ed., Arizona Geological Society Digest 3: p. 109-110.
Harshbarger, J. W., and Smiley, T. L., 1960, Utilization of Arid Lands Project, in Anthony, J. W., ed., Arizona Geological Society Digest 3: p. 111-112.
Melton, M. A., 1960, Origin of the Drainage of Southeastern Arizona, in Anthony, J. W., ed., Arizona Geological Society Digest 3: p. 113-122.
Davidson, E. S., 1960, Geology of the Eastern Part of the Safford Basin, Graham County, Arizona (A Preliminary Report), in Anthony, J. W., ed., Arizona Geological Society Digest 3: p. 123-126.
Marlowe, J. I., 1960, Late Cenozoic Geology of the Lower Safford Valley - A Preliminary Report, in Anthony, J. W., ed., Arizona Geological Society Digest 3: p. 127-129.
Harbour, J., 1960, Sedimentology and Stratigraphy of the Basin-Fill Sediments in the Safford Valley, in Anthony, J. W., ed., Arizona Geological Society Digest 3: p. 131-132.
Hollander, J. T., 1960, Geology and Aquifer Characteristics of the Inner-Valley Alluvium in the Safford Valley, Arizona, in Anthony, J. W., ed., Arizona Geological Society Digest 3: p. 133-135.
Seff, P., 1960, Preliminary Report of the Stratigraphy of the III Ranch Beds, Graham County, Arizona, in Anthony, J. W., ed., Arizona Geological Society Digest 3: p. 137-140.
Wood, P. A., 1960, Paleontological Investigations in the III Ranch Area, in Anthony, J. W., ed., Arizona Geological Society Digest 3: p. 141-143.
Gray, J., 1960, Micropaleobotanical Research on the Late Tertiary Sediments of Arizona, in Anthony, J. W., ed., Arizona Geological Society Digest 3: p. 145-150.
Marlowe, J. I., 1960, Diatremes and a Ring Intrusion on the San Carlos Indian Reservation, in Anthony, J. W., ed., Arizona Geological Society Digest 3: p. 151-154.
Lance, J. F., 1960, Stratigraphic and Structural Position of Cenozoic Fossil Localities in Arizona, in Anthony, J. W., ed., Arizona Geological Society Digest 3: p. 155-159.
U. S. Geological Survey, 1960, Current Status of Geologic Division Projects, U. S. Geologic Survey in Arizona, in Anthony, J. W., ed., Arizona Geological Society Digest 3: p. 161-169.
U OF A Graduate Students, 1960, Abstracts of Recent Geological and Related Work Accomplished or in Progress, in Anthony, J. W., ed., Arizona Geological Society Digest 3: p. 171-180.
University of Texas Graduate Students, 1960, Abstracts of Recent Theses in Arizona and New Mexico, in Anthony, J. W., ed., Arizona Geological Society Digest 3: p. 181-185.