Arizona Geological Society

AGS Digest 6

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Gray, St. Ives, ed., 1963, Arizona Geological Society Digest 6:  94 p.


Wilson, E. D., and Moore, R. T., 1963, Cretaceous and Tertiary Ore Deposition in Arizona, in Gray, St. Ives, ed., 1963, Arizona Geological Society Digest 6:  p. 1-6.

Cooley, M. E., and Davidson, E. S., 1963, The Mogollon Highlands - Their Influence on Mesozoic and Cenozoic Erosion and Sedimentation, in Gray, St. Ives, ed., 1963, Arizona Geological Society Digest 6:  p. 7-35.

Miller, H. W., Jr., 1963, Texas Ammonites in Arizona?, in Gray, St. Ives, ed., 1963, Arizona Geological Society Digest 6:  p. 37-40.

MacKenzie, F. D., 1963, Geological Interpretation of the Palo Verde Mine Based upon Diamond Drill Core, in Gray, St. Ives, ed., 1963, Arizona Geological Society Digest 6:  p. 41-48.

Pashley, E. F., Jr., 1963, A Reinterpretation of the Anticlinal Structure Exposed in the Northwest Face of Pusch Ridge, Santa Catalina Mountains, Arizona, in Gray, St. Ives, ed., 1963, Arizona Geological Society Digest 6:  p. 49-53.

Heinrichs, W. E., Jr., and Seward, F. A., Jr., 1963, Geophysics in Ground-Water Studies in the Southwest, in Gray, St. Ives, ed., 1963, Arizona Geological Society Digest 6:  p. 55-60.

Majo, E. B., 1963, Volcanic Orogeny of the Tucson Mountains (A Preliminary Report), in Gray, St. Ives, ed., 1963, Arizona Geological Society Digest 6:  p. 61-82.

Bikerman, M., 1963, Origin of the Cat Mountain Rhyolite, in Gray, St. Ives, ed., 1963, Arizona Geological Society Digest 6:  p. 83-89.

DuBois, R. L., 1963, Paleomagnetic Directions from Hawaiian Lava Flows, 1840-1960, in Gray, St. Ives, ed., 1963, Arizona Geological Society Digest 6:  p. 91-94.

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